Facelift San Luis Obispo
With age, faces begin to show the effects of gravity, sun exposure and years of facial muscle movement, such as smiling, chewing and squinting. The underlying tissues begin to break down, often leaving laugh lines, smile lines, crow’s feet or facial creases over the areas where muscle movement occurs. Injectables such as Botox and Dysport relax these muscles to decrease the lines resulting from facial animation.
Soft-tissue fillers, most commonly injectables such as Restylane, Juvederm, or Radiesse can help fill in these lines and creases, temporarily restoring a smoother, more youthful-looking appearance. When injected beneath the skin, these fillers plump up creased and sunken areas of the face. They can also add fullness to the lips and cheeks. These injectables can be used to improve facial aesthetics in patients where more extensive procedures –like facelifts or laser resurfacing – are not yet indicated. They can also be used to maintain, prolong or improve the effects of facial surgery.
Our Amazing Team

Meet the Doctor

For over 21 years Dr. Hosn has focused exclusively on helping others find the beauty and peace they desire. His ability to empathize has allowed he and his team to create real relationships and improvement you can be proud of.
From receiving his Doctor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine to a flourishing Beverly Hills practice Dr. Hosn found his place in the world relocating his family to beautiful San Luis Obispo.
Dr. Hosn is one of the most skilled surgeons in the world, specializing exclusively on aesthetics.
For a better understanding of how a brow lift might change your appearance, look into a mirror and manually raise the outer edges of your eyebrows. That is approximately what a brow lift would do for you. A brow lift is most commonly performed in the 40-60 age range to decrease the visible effects of aging. However, it can also help people of other ages who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity.
There are many ways to perform a browlift. They can be performed endoscopically (using a minimal incisions and small cameras), open with removal of skin. These procedures have their pros and cons and will be better defined during consultation with Dr Hosn. Browlifts can be performed in conjunction with face lifts to provide a smoother overall look to the face. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may also be performed at the same time as a brow lift, especially if a patient has significant skin overhang in the upper eyelids.
In your initial consultation, Dr. Hosn will spend the time you need to define your goals, perform a complete examination and make recommendations pertaining to possible surgical procedures that may benefit you. Our office is committed to educating you on the procedure as well as the risks, benefits and alternatives. The typical patient will meet with Dr. Hosn three times before each major medical procedure in an effort to achieve a beautiful result performed as safely as possible.
Ready to find out more, schedule a consultation below or call today!
Relax facial muscles to smooth wrinkles & creases. Fill folds, define and augment lips. Improve facial contouring.
- Surgical time:
Usually 15-45 minutes - Anesthetic type:
None or local - Surgical Facility:
In-office - Recovery:
Minimal: Temporary swelling and occasional bruising.
Procedure, recovery and results will vary from patient to patient.
When It comes to your Look, Certifications Matter
You will receive the highest quality care from our founder, board-certified Wally Hosn M.D.. We offer a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to address all of your aesthetic goals.

The Right Plastic Surgery & Skin Care
plan starts with you